Has hen do culture gone mad? TikTokers say bridal group chats give them financial anxiety

By Charlie Sawyer

Published Jun 15, 2024 at 09:00 AM

Reading time: 3 minutes

Surveys have revealed that the average cost of a UK hen do has gone up by 60 per cent in the last ten years, from £150 to £242 per person. So, why are we still being expected to financially splash out go on lavish long weekends?

As someone who has never been to a hen do before, I’d like to preface this article by clarifying that I am forming these opinions solely based off of half a dozen TikToks. I’d also like to emphasise that my need to insert myself into conversations that were doing just fine without me is something I am seriously working on. That being said… It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to clock the fact that hen do culture has officially gone a tad mental. Rather than a cheeky night out and a couple of penis straws, hen dos have now turned into full-scale extravaganzas—crammed with multiple expensive dinners, weekend trips abroad, and more.

While brides have every right to envision and request a hen do that fully lives up to their expectations, I’ve seen more and more conversations arise about whether or not it’s asking too much of your bridesmaids to, for example, fork out hundreds of pounds to go on a long bridal weekend.

Being a main boo in the bridal party is an honour but it can also be insanely expensive. And as is often the case with the internet, people have very strong opinions about this topic and they differ greatly from one creator to the next. Do you think hen do culture has gone too far? Or are these events simply evolving with the times? Let’s discuss.

Has hen do culture gone mad?

This entire saga has been gaining traction for quite some time now. Hen do videos probably take up 30 per cent of my TikTok FYP, and more often than not they involve some kind of extremely lavish compilation which features a dozen or so girls in matching satin pyjamas sipping mimosas on the Spanish coast and enjoying the finest garlic prawns Ibiza has to offer. Gen Z weddings now even have their own dedicated TikTok trend.


Weekend in Ibiza – Hen do itinerary #hendoibiza #ibizahenparty #ibizahendo #ibiza2023 #amanteibuza #ushuaiaibiza #gigiandolive #meshki #nobuibiza #untappedibiza #ibizaweekend #ibizaitinerary

♬ original sound – Üntapped Ibiza